Professional practice rights Qualified p g outside the EU/EEA Member State
If you have completed a qualification in a country that is not an EU/EEA Member State. And in order to work as a medical doctor in Finland, you must have an authorization (license to practice a profession). Finnish National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health, grants the right to practice as a license or authorized professional and authorizes the use of the occupational title of healthcare professional. The quality of service in Finnish healthcare is considered to be good; according to a survey published by the European Commission. Finland belongs to the top five countries in satisfaction:
88% of Finnish respondents were satisfied, compared with the EU average of 41.3%
Formal requirements for q application documents
All copies appended to your application must be authenticated. Obtained from notaries public in Finland and other EU/EEA Member States and from Finnish missions abroad.
All copies appended to your application must be authenticated. Obtained from notaries public in Finland and other EU/EEA Member States and from Finnish missions abroad.
You may take the first test in the examination when you have completed your six-month internship in full and passed your language certificate test. The examination consists of three tests:
1. Clinical knowledge
2. Health care in Finland
3. Clinical skills
Requested Documents for the applicant:
1. A copy of your valid passport
2. A copy of your original qualification certificate and any appendices demonstrating the content and scope of the qualification. (e.g. diploma supplement or transcript of records)
3. Certificate of a license to practice your profession issued by a
competent foreign authority if you have been licensed to practice your
profession in a country other than Finland. This certificate must be no more
than three months old and it must indicate that the license is valid and not
subject to any restrictions. If you have been licensed to practice your profession in more than one country, yo p y u must submit the certificates from all those countries in either the original or as a copy.
4. If you cannot provide the certificate mentioned in point 3, the proof that
practitioners of this profession are no p pg y t registered in said country must be
established by means of a certificate to that effect issued by the competent
authority of the said country or a proof by other reliable means.
5. Translations into Finnish, Swedish or English of the aforementioned documents made by a translator certified or authorized in Finland or another EU/EEA member state. The translations may be submitted in the original or as copies.
6. Applicants who have completed their pp p professional training related to the
application or their general education in a language other than Finnish or Swedish must submit a copy of their National Certificate of Language Proficiency or Civil Service Language Proficiency Certificate no later than in the context of signing up for their first examination test.
If you have completed a qualification in a country that is not an EU/EEA Member State.
And in order to work as a medical doctor in Finland, you must have an authorization
(license to practice a profession).
Finnish National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health, grants the right to practice as a licensed or authorized professional and authorizes the use of the occupational title of healthcare professional.
The quality of service in Finnish healthcare is considered to be good; according to a survey published by the European Commission. Finland belongs to the top five countries in satisfaction: 88% of Finnish respondents were satisfied, compared with the EU average of 41.3%
Formal requirements for application documents
All copies appended to your application must be authenticated. Obtained from notaries public in Finland and other EU/EEA Member States and from Finnish missions abroad